Roza Sour Soup with Moringa

by Roza
Recipe by ROZA


20 min

2 people


20 min

2 people

Today, I would like to please older children who can eat vegetables and spicy taste with a delicious Thai menu like "sour vegetable curry", but our sour vegetable curry is special because it adds extra features by using horseradish and canned fish as ingredients in the menu "Roza Sour Soup with Moringa", how delicious will it be? You can try following this recipe.


– 2 tablespoons of sour vegetable curry paste
– 2 cans of Roza canned fish
– 10 pods of horseradish
– 2 tablespoons of fish sauce
– 2 and 1⁄2 tablespoons of palm sugar
– 3-4 tablespoons of tamarind juice


Wash the horseradish in water thoroughly and cut it into pieces. Then, pour the water into the pot and heat it up. When the water starts to boil, add horseradish and let it sit so that the pieces of horseradish are cooked and soft. When the water is boiled, add the sour vegetable curry paste, stir to dissolve, and add only the canned fish. After that, season with fish sauce, sugar, and tamarind juice, stir all the ingredients well, simmer, and leave it for a while. Scoop it up into a bowl at the end.

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